Here’s How Solar Panels Affect Home Insurance

Solar roof installer

When researching the pros and cons of installing residential solar panels, San Diego homeowners tend to focus on things such as price, return on investment, whether their roof is suitable for solar panel installation, how much energy solar panels can produce, and so on.

While all of these questions are worth asking (and we’ve talked extensively about most of those subjects), there’s something most homeowners don’t ask about solar panel installation: Will it affect their home insurance?

The short answer is that, yes, installing solar panels will affect home insurance.

The long answer? Keep reading to find out!

Solar Panels & Insurance

Because they’re part of your home, solar panels will often have an impact on your home insurance. How this will affect how much you have to pay, though, depends entirely on what kind of solar panels you’re installing.

The traditional roof-mounted solar panels are almost always included on your home’s insurance. After all, once they’re installed, they’ll form part of your house, and that will be the case until you decide to move out or take them down.

Since most home insurance policies already cover solar panel installations, what you should really focus on is just how much your insurance policy covers.

When Are Residential Solar Panels Not Covered By Insurance?

Insurance offers no coverage for solar panels that are placed on the floor and, curiously enough, your walls, even though those are as much part of your home as the roof is.

Likewise, depending on how your home is built, your insurance may or may not cover solar panels placed on a detached garage or pergola.

You’ll want to make sure to call your insurance and ask about their solar panel policies to know exactly how much they’ll cover.

Should I Consult With My Insurance Provider Before Installing Residential Solar Panels?


It’s always a good idea to consult your home insurance provider before doing any kind of major work around your house and solar panels definitely fit into this category.

By consulting your insurance provider about solar panels, you’ll not only know exactly what your insurance covers, but where you can install your solar panels, whether you’ll need to up your rates, whether they work with specific contractors, and a myriad of other little details.

Though time-consuming and more than a little bit annoying, talking to your insurance provider should be considered the cornerstone of your residential solar panel installation.

Solar panel contractors like EZ Solar & Electric can install high-quality residential solar panels on just about every rooftop, minimizing the risk of damage to your roof and maximizing the effectiveness of your panels.

However, knowing exactly what your insurance covers can help them know what to focus on to maximize your investment and minimize the risks.

Consult with your home insurance provider to know how installing residential solar panels will affect your home insurance, and after you do that, make sure to give us a call for a consultation!

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