
Why You Should Choose EZ Solar & Electric When Installing Residential Solar Panels in San Diego?

Thanks to its sunny climate and eco-conscious spirit, California is second only to Arizona when it comes to solar power use. Government, commercial, and even residential buildings are decked out with solar panels, and every day, more and more homeowners decide to invest in this renewable energy.

Because of solar power’s popularity, it’s easy to find a contractor to install solar panels in your home. Thus, the challenge goes from finding a contractor that can do the job, to finding a contractor that can better fulfill your needs and requirements as a client, and for that, you should look no further than EZ Solar & Electric.

Professionalism and Experience

With over two decades of experience in both roofing and solar panel installation, we at EZ Solar & Electric have the knowledge and experience needed to tackle every solar power presented to us with creativity and professionalism, a trait that has earned us the trust of hundreds of clients in the Greater San Diego area, where we operate.

We’re one of the few contractors in California licensed in C-10 electrical, C-39 roofing, and B-General, which gives us not only an edge over the competition but also the skill to tackle just about every project, which has allowed us to install solar panels for clients who had bad experiences with other companies or couldn’t even get solar panels in their homes.

We can proudly guarantee a successful installation, no matter how big or small your project may be.

Commercial & Residential

Our skills in installing solar panels go beyond the residential, as we’re happy to work on commercial projects as well, providing energy to your business or investment property at a competitive price. Not only that, but because we can handle every step of the installation, including the roofing, you can eliminate the kind of conflicts that can arise from hiring multiple contractors, saving you money in more ways than one.

We’re Proudly Local

Not just another electrical, solar, or roofing company. We’re the best solar company in San Diego, hiring local talent to form a dedicated and talented team of in-house experts that can handle every step from designing your solar power array to installing it where it needs to be.

Your Trust is Our Priority

At EZ Solar & Electric, we believe our client’s trust is more than our presentation card. It’s the driving force behind our business, and as such, we’re happy to work with our clients to ensure they know everything they need to know about solar panels before we even start installing them.

EZ Solar & Electric will provide you with a free, no-pressure consultation, where we’ll provide you with relevant information on the process of the system and what you can expect, both from the installation and the general use and operation of the solar panel, after which you’ll decide whether solar power is the option for you.

If it is, we’ll be with you every step of the way, answering your questions and doubts as they arise, as we know just how important your home is.

We want to give our clients the assurance they need to know not only that we mean business, but that we will also look out for their property’s integrity as if it were our own!


How Often Should You Change Your Roof?

When it comes to keeping your home in top shape, it’s easy to underestimate just how important your roof is. Believe it or not, if left unattended, a small fault in your roof can eventually bring the whole house down, so it pays to keep your roof in top shape.

Previously, we’ve talked about which signs will tell you that it’s time to change your roof, but it’s important to know how long, on average, each kind of roof lasts, so you can prepare accordingly.

Average Lifespan of Common Roof Materials

Composition Shingles

By far the most popular kind of rooftop in America, composition shingles offer a lot of versatility in terms of color and style.

This is also one of the most affordable roof materials to both install and replace, and has an average lifespan of 12 to 20 years.

The traditional roof-mounted solar panels are almost always included on your home’s insurance. After all, once they’re installed, they’ll form part of your house, and that will be the case until you decide to move out or take them down.

Since most home insurance policies already cover solar panel installations, what you should really focus on is just how much your insurance policy covers.

When Are Residential Solar Panels Not Covered By Insurance?

Insurance offers no coverage for solar panels that are placed on the floor and, curiously enough, your walls, even though those are as much part of your home as the roof is.

Likewise, depending on how your home is built, your insurance may or may not cover solar panels placed on a detached garage or pergola.

You’ll want to make sure to call your insurance and ask about their solar panel policies to know exactly how much they’ll cover.

Should I Consult With My Insurance Provider Before Installing Residential Solar Panels?

Composition Shingles

By far the most popular kind of rooftop in America, composition shingles offer a lot of versatility in terms of color and style.

This is also one of the most affordable roof materials to both install and replace, and has an average lifespan of 12 to 20 years.

Asphalt Shingles

Affordable, versatile, and easy to replace, Asphalt Shingles are the more durable cousin of Composition shingles, and their longer lifespan reflects that as roofs that use this material tend to last anything between 15 to 30 years.

Wood Shingles

A far less common option for roof materials, wood shingles give homes a beautiful and natural appearance that is hard to surpass. Wood shingles also offer exceptional resistance against wind and hail, and can last 20 to 25 years on average.

Rubber Roofs

Though not as beautiful and eye-catching as other kinds of roofs, rubber roofs have a fairly long lifespan of 20 to 25 years, and offer a wide variety of advantages over other materials.

This kind of roof is easy to clean and maintain and offers superior insulation to other materials, making them a material worth considering.

Metal Roofs

By far the sturdiest and most long-lasting of all roof materials, metal roofs are resistant to fire and require almost no material whatsoever.

They can be fairly pricey to install, but once they’re there, you can rest assured they’ll be there for a long time, as metal rooftops can last a whopping 75 years without needing to be replaced, though their average lifespan can last anything from 50 to 75.

Things to Keep in Mind

While different materials offer different advantages and disadvantages, there’s one thing they all have in common:

Their lifespan depends greatly on the weather conditions of the place you live in.

If your roofs are subjected to harsh weather regularly, there’s a good chance they’ll get damaged more often, which means they’ll need to be replaced sooner.

Not only that, not all rooftop materials are suitable for all houses, as things like environment or location can make them unsuitable in general.

Wood shingles, for example, are objectively beautiful, but they should never be used in areas prone to wildfires, as they can be pretty flammable and will do more harm than good.

Metal roofs, on the other hand, are highly resistant to fire, but aren’t as insulating as wood, and don’t fare well in humid climates.

Working With the Experts

Whether you’re planning to completely change your roof or you’re just looking to repair it, it’s important to work with dedicated professionals, and if you live in the San Diego area, your best bet is EZ Solar & Electric.

With over two decades of experience, EZ Solar can help you evaluate, repair, and replace your rooftop at an affordable price, without sacrificing their high-quality work and personal touch.

Not only that, but they can also help prepare your roof for solar panel installation, making them a one-stop solution for all of your roofing needs!


Here’s How Solar Panels Affect Home Insurance

When researching the pros and cons of installing residential solar panels, San Diego homeowners tend to focus on things such as price, return on investment, whether their roof is suitable for solar panel installation, how much energy solar panels can produce, and so on.

While all of these questions are worth asking (and we’ve talked extensively about most of those subjects), there’s something most homeowners don’t ask about solar panel installation: Will it affect their home insurance?

The short answer is that, yes, installing solar panels will affect home insurance.

The long answer? Keep reading to find out!

Solar Panels & Insurance

Because they’re part of your home, solar panels will often have an impact on your home insurance. How this will affect how much you have to pay, though, depends entirely on what kind of solar panels you’re installing.

The traditional roof-mounted solar panels are almost always included on your home’s insurance. After all, once they’re installed, they’ll form part of your house, and that will be the case until you decide to move out or take them down.

Since most home insurance policies already cover solar panel installations, what you should really focus on is just how much your insurance policy covers.

When Are Residential Solar Panels Not Covered By Insurance?

Insurance offers no coverage for solar panels that are placed on the floor and, curiously enough, your walls, even though those are as much part of your home as the roof is.

Likewise, depending on how your home is built, your insurance may or may not cover solar panels placed on a detached garage or pergola.

You’ll want to make sure to call your insurance and ask about their solar panel policies to know exactly how much they’ll cover.

Should I Consult With My Insurance Provider Before Installing Residential Solar Panels?


It’s always a good idea to consult your home insurance provider before doing any kind of major work around your house and solar panels definitely fit into this category.

By consulting your insurance provider about solar panels, you’ll not only know exactly what your insurance covers, but where you can install your solar panels, whether you’ll need to up your rates, whether they work with specific contractors, and a myriad of other little details.

Though time-consuming and more than a little bit annoying, talking to your insurance provider should be considered the cornerstone of your residential solar panel installation.

Solar panel contractors like EZ Solar & Electric can install high-quality residential solar panels on just about every rooftop, minimizing the risk of damage to your roof and maximizing the effectiveness of your panels.

However, knowing exactly what your insurance covers can help them know what to focus on to maximize your investment and minimize the risks.

Consult with your home insurance provider to know how installing residential solar panels will affect your home insurance, and after you do that, make sure to give us a call for a consultation!


What Type of Roof is Better for Solar Panels Part 1

While it’s true that solar panel contractors can install solar panels on just about every kind of rooftop, not all rooftops are the same.

Some roof shapes and materials are just plain better than others, and in this two-part guide, we’ll cover the differences.

Let’s get started!


Gable Roof

Because of their pyramid-like shape, gable roofs are some of the best when it comes to solar panel installation, as they allow contractors to completely cover both sides of the roof. This leads to increased energy production, which in turn translates to more significant savings in a shorter amount of time.

Because of their ideal shape, every solar panel contractor out there will be able to work on this type of roof.

Hip Roofs

When it comes to solar panel efficiency, hip roofs are, by far, your best option, as their peculiar configuration allows contractors to install solar panels on every side of the roof.

This means that no matter the orientation of your house, there will always be a side of your roof that’s receiving direct sunlight, which translates to reliable solar power every day of the year.

The steep angles these rooftops are known for, however, present a problem when it comes to aligning solar panels, which in turn means you can’t install as many as you can with a gable roof.

This also means that not all solar panel contractors will be able to work on this kind of roof, but experts such as EZ Solar have solutions to make the installation not only possible but also affordable.

Flat Roofs

Popular in the south of the country, but not so much in the rest of the country, flat roofs are the dream of every solar panel contractor, as they allow multiple configurations for solar panel arrays.

Installing solar panels on flat roofs is easier, safer, and generally more affordable, but because flat roofs aren’t that popular in residential households, this kind of installation is usually reserved for commercial buildings.


From traditional asphalt shingles to beautiful wooden ones, there’s a lot of variety when it comes to roof materials. However, not all materials are suitable for solar panel installation, and that’s something you want to keep in mind.

Wooden rooftops, for example, are unsuitable for solar panels, as the material is more flammable than asphalt and tile, and solar panels get very hot by design.

Asphalt rooftops, on the other hand, are ideal for solar panels, as their durability and flexibility lend themselves to long-lasting installations, and asphalt is naturally heat-resistant, which mixes well with the natural functions of solar panels.

Tile rooftops have a near complete lack of flexibility, which means that contractors need to remove the tiles before installing solar panels. This material, however, is fire-safe and improves air circulation, which can help with the longevity of your residential solar panels.

Though only common in some areas of the country, metal rooftops are fantastic for residential solar panel installation, as they facilitate the whole process and reflect the sun, maximizing the amount of sunlight that hits your solar panels.

As a general rule, solar panel contractors can install solar panels on just about every kind of rooftop.

However, if you’re still in doubt about whether or not your rooftop is suitable for solar panels, make sure to call EZ Solar & Electric for a consultation.


Will Residential Solar Panels Damage My Roof?

One of the biggest reasons why homeowners are hesitant to install residential solar panels is the risk of roof damage, which can add repair costs to the already hefty investment installing solar panels represents.

What cautious homeowners don’t realize, however, is that as long as solar panels are installed correctly, the risk of roof damage is minimal and can instead provide additional protection to your roof.

In this short article, we’ll explain why you shouldn’t worry about roof damage when working with EZ Solar to install solar panels on your home.

Why People Worry, and Why They Shouldn’t.

It’s pretty easy to understand why people worry about roof damage. After all, solar panels need to be fixed to your roof one way or another, and when people picture the process, they assume a lot of drilling and hole-punching will take place during the installation.

This, of course, could lead to leaks and potential water damage, a fact that professional solar panel installers know well, which is why they keep these risks to a minimum to ensure not only the secure attachment of the solar panels but also the protection of your home.

Most solar panels are installed with either a roof clap system or a ballasted racking system, neither of which involves drilling holes into your roof.

Other installation methods, such as bolting the supports into the rafters, do involve drilling holes, but if you’re working with a professional like EZ solar, you better bet they’ll use watertight bolts and materials to avoid damaging your roof.

Experts you can Trust

The biggest boom of working with experts like EZ Solar when installing residential solar panels is that they not only will be able to install the panels without damaging your roof but will be able to tell you if your roof is suitable for installation in the first place.

Solar panels have an average lifespan of 25 years, which means that, under ideal conditions, that’s how long they’ll be on your roof.

On a new roof, this won’t be a problem, but on a damaged or old roof, the extra weight of solar panels might make the damage even worse.

Likewise, if your roof is not in good condition, the installation may fail and the solar panels may fall.

A reliable solar power company will inspect your roof to ensure it’s suitable for residential solar panel installation. If it is will work with you to design a system that works for you and your budget, which they will then install with no damage to your roof.

If your roof isn’t suitable, or if it’s damaged, they’ll let you know, so that you can take the necessary steps to fix your roof before trying the installation again.

Some companies, like EZ Solar, provide both services, giving potential customers the ability to either install residential solar panels or fix damaged roofs, without having to hire a second contractor, making the whole process as seamless as it gets.


4 Ways in which Commercial Buildings can Benefit from Installing Solar Panels

As a business owner, electricity is one of the highest overhead costs you will face over the course of your enterprise, and it’s a cost that only grows as your business grows larger.

Being completely dependent on the commercial power grid subjects your business to the same complications you face at home, with the added struggle that your business relies even more on electricity; After all, a day without power at home may be annoying, but a day without power in your business will cost you money.

Because of this, an increasing number of savvy business owners are turning to solar panels for their business, and in this entry, we’ll tell you why you should consider doing the same.

Reducing Overhead Costs

The goal of every business is to generate money and, to do this, you want to keep your overhead costs to a minimum.

While installing solar panels in a commercial building requires a pretty big investment, solar panels will not only pay for themselves but also reduce your power bills if given enough time.

Not only that, but depending on where you live and the size of your commercial building, you may receive all sorts of tax exemptions, and, even better, you could potentially earn additional income from excess energy generated by your commercial building.

Monetary Stability

Relying on the city’s power grid means that you’re vulnerable to price fluctuations, which can make budgeting for your business particularly challenging.

While you will only be completely free of price fluctuations if you go entirely off-grid, even partial use of solar panels can help you reduce these unexpected costs, resulting in a more predictable income, which will make budgeting much easier.

Community Reputation

Installing solar panels in your commercial building gives a very clear message that you care about the environment and that you’re taking the necessary steps to help the planet.

In California, where solar panels are only growing in popularity, this can give your business extra green credentials, which you can not only use as part of your marketing efforts but can also make part of your business plan.

Nowadays, consumers are showing a marked preference for eco-conscious, sustainable companies, so making the switch to solar panels will increase consumer goodwill no matter what kind of business you run.

Increase Property Value

Expanding on the previous point, today’s consumers are very eco-conscious, and younger generations see solar panels as a plus rather than the eyesore older generations think they are.

This means that, much like houses, the price of your commercial building will only increase if you add solar panels to the building.

When buyers purchase a property with solar panels -be it commercial or residential- it’s the understanding that they’re also buying the panels, so they’re willing to pay more for the building.

What’s more, some solar-panel-oriented loans actually allow you to transfer the loan to the building’s new owner, so you can move your business to a different building debt-free!


5 Signs That Let You Know It’s Time to Replace your Roof

It’s easy to overlook just how important your roof is for the integrity of your home, but make no mistake, a healthy roof can make a huge difference, so it pays to know when it needs to be replaced.

In this article, we’ll cover 5 signs that let you know it’s time to replace your roof.

Shingle Damage

One of the easiest ways to check if your roof needs to be replaced is to check the state of your shingles.

New shingles tend to lay flat, giving your roof a smooth and level surface that helps the rain slide off and gives your house a beautiful appearance.

Time, the sun, strong winds, heavy rain, and other events can move the shingles, damage them, or even knock them off your roof entirely, so they’re a pretty good indicator of when your roof needs to be replaced.

If only a few shingles are damaged, there’s a good chance you’ll only need to inspect and replace a part of your roof. However, if most of the shingles are no longer laying flat, are cracked, or are missing, you should replace your roof ASAP, or at the very least give it a thorough inspection.

Mildew and Mold

When your roof’s shingles are damaged or missing, water can make its way to your roof, where it will pool and damage the structure.

A clear sign that there’s some damage on your roof is the presence of mildew or mold growing on your ceilings and roofs, so if you notice this, you should give your roof a thorough inspection.

If the roof inspector didn’t spot any problems, there’s a good chance you have some issues with your plumbing.

Gutter Granules

When cleaning your gutter, look for granules or dirt that looks like asphalt, as this is often an indicator that your roof is in trouble.

Asphalt shingles are usually covered with small granules that protect them from the elements, so when your gutter starts filling with these, there’s a good chance you’ll have to change your shingles.

As usual, if you’ve noticed your shingles are damaged, you should inspect your roof for further issues.

Roof Sagging

If you notice any part of your roof is sagging, you need to call a roof inspector ASAP, as this is a clear indicator of structural problems.

Roof sagging is one of those signs you should never ignore, as it only gets worse with time, so make sure to act promptly.

If you’re not certain whether or not your roof is sagging, check your attic’s decking and foundation supports for further damage, but still consider calling a roof inspector for reference.

Visible cracks without sagging are also a sign of structural damage, and you should replace your roof promptly.


If your roof is over 25 years old, then you should replace it regardless of how it appears to the eye.

Roofs aren’t made to last for more than 30 years unattended, so make plans to replace them every 25 years as a precaution.

So now that you know the signs that your roof needs to be replaced, all you need to know is who to call, and if you live in the San Diego metropolitan area, you should call EZ Solar & Electric. Whether it’s a residential or commercial roof that needs critical attention, EZ Solar & Electric is the company you need for your project.


How to Use Solar Power to Save Money at Home

With energy costs increasing across the country, it makes sense to look for a way to save money on utilities, and solar power is an excellent way of achieving that goal.

While most people’s minds jump to residential solar panels when thinking about using solar power, the truth is that this unlimited resource can be used to save money in more ways than one.

Today, we’ll look at some of the ways you can use solar power to save money at home, such as:

Solar Water Heater

While not as notorious as solar panels, solar water heaters are an excellent alternative source of hot water and can save you some serious money on gas bills.

They work by heating water via solar panels, and while they won’t work during overcast days or storms, they can be used in conjunction with gas-powered heaters to give you hot water every day of the year at a reduced cost.

Solar Powered Window Heaters

An up-and-coming addition to every house, particularly during the winter, solar-powered window heaters pull double duty by providing extra insulation and heating rooms at once.

These small heaters are window mounted, and they absorb sunlight from outside the house and transform it into heat that’s then reflected indoors.

The effect isn’t enough to completely heat a house, but it does help heat the room they’re installed in without the need for electricity.

Like water heaters, these can work in tandem with other appliances. That way, if the room isn’t warm enough to your liking, or if the day is overcast, you can always use your AC like usual.

Residential Solar Panels

Residential solar panels are as popular as they are because of their versatility.

By generating electricity you can then use at home, residential solar panels can help you cut down on your electric bill and, depending on your appliances, other utilities.

Residential solar panels can help your home go completely off the grid or can help you reduce your electricity consumption, which will save money from the moment you start using them.

Not only that, but residential solar panels can also save you money in the form of tax rebates and government incentives, as well as generate a significant return on investment once you’re ready to sell your home.

The Takeaway

When it comes to solar power, it pays to see it as a complement rather than a complete replacement.

Yes, it’s entirely possible to go completely off-the-grid if one wants to, but for those living in cities like San Diego, it’s often easier to stay connected to the municipal grid.

This strategy ensures you always have access to the utilities you may need, while also reducing your electricity and gas consumption, which is reflected on your bills.

A window-mounted solar-powered space heater, for example, may not be as powerful as an electric one, but by using both you can reach a comfortable temperature while using less electricity, which in turn will save you money without changing your habits.


Residential Solar Panel Programs in San Diego

There are many things that make San Diego a perfect city for residential solar panels. From the excellent weather, which leads to sunny days almost year-round, to the cultural conscience that translates to solar panels increasing the value of a home, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more solar-power-friendly city than San Diego.

This preference for renewable energy also shows itself in the form of financial programs, tax rebates, discounts, credits, and other forms of incentives that are designed to make solar power all the more attractive.

Here are some of the residential solar panel programs you can find in San Diego!

Public Benefits Funds for Renewables and Efficiency.

Also known as EPIC, this program dedicates more than $130 million toward the research and development of renewable energy, as well as the incentivization of renewable energy use, which extends to residential solar panels. However, this program’s benefits are even greater when it comes to commercial solar panel installation.

Partial Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Agricultural Solar Power Facilities

If you’re a farm owner operating in the San Diego area, you can apply for this program, which can save you thousands of dollars through partial sales and use tax exemptions as long as you’re using solar panels to produce and harvest at least 50% of your crops.

California Solar Initiative – Single-Family Affordable Solar Housing (SASH) Program

Designed to benefit low-income, single-family households, this program provides enrolled families with up-front incentives for residential solar panel installation, and education on the benefits of solar technologies.

Property Tax Exclusion for Solar Energy Systems

A versatile option that can be used for commercial and residential solar panels in San Diego, this program is one of the most versatile in the city, as it offers tax exclusions to buildings that have a “solar energy system,” which can translate to a multitude of things.

If you’re in doubt: If your solar system allows you to collect, store and distribute electricity, you’re eligible for this tax exclusion.

PACE Financing Programs

Also known as the Property Assessed Clean Energy Program, this is a government-funded loan that can be used to pay for the installation of residential solar panels.

The best thing about this financing program is that, if you move out of your house before you finish paying off the loan, the person who buys your house also buys the debt, releasing you from the responsibility.

California Solar Initiative – Low-Income Multifamily Solar Housing Program.

Designed to benefit low-income, multifamily households, this program provides enrolled families with up-front incentives for residential solar panel installation, solar rebates, and education on the benefits of solar technologies.

The programs listed in this article are programs that can benefit homeowners, but California and San Diego offer a multitude of solar programs to benefit business owners as well.

Some require things as simple as installing a few solar-friendly upgrades, while others are more hands-on and benefit only people directly working in the solar industry.

What’s certain is that San Diego makes a big effort to support citizens to make the jump to renewable energy, and with EZ Solar & Electric, you can make the jump with no hassle or risk!


Is My Rooftop Suitable for Solar Panels?

While every house in San Diego can benefit from installing solar panels, not every rooftop is suitable for their installation, so it’s crucial to know whether your roof is right for solar before you even consider making the jump to residential solar panels.

Luckily, determining whether your rooftop is suitable for solar panels or not is fairly easy.

Roof Size

Solar panels are all about surface, which means the bigger your roof, the better. The more solar panels your rooftop has, the more electricity it will produce; by contrast, if your rooftop is too small, the electricity produced might not be worth the expense of installing a solar panel.

Roof Orientation

Even in a city as sunny as San Diego, solar panels work best when they’re facing East, as that way they receive direct sunlight for longer and can generate energy more efficiently.

A rooftop that doesn’t face the right direction can still generate electricity, but it won’t be as efficient, and this might translate to having to install more solar panels to compensate.

Roof Condition

The biggest determining factor will be the state of your roof. If your rooftop is too old or is damaged, installing solar panels is very risky, as the solar panels can fall and break or, even worse, injure someone.

Luckily, EZ Solar & Electric can handle both roof replacements and solar panel installations, removing the hassle of having to hire two contractors for the same job.

The biggest determining factor will be the state of your roof. If your rooftop is too old or is damaged, installing solar panels is very risky, as the solar panels can fall and break or, even worse, injure someone.

Luckily, EZ Solar & Electric can handle both roof replacements and solar panel installations, removing the hassle of having to hire two contractors for the same job.

Roof Construction

While they all serve the same purpose, not all rooftops are made equal, and this can have a big impact on residential solar panels:

  • A too steep rooftop can make installation more complicated and costly, as adjustments will need to be made to compensate for the angle.
  • Tile roofs, though beautiful, are nowhere near as effective as asphalt shingles when it comes to installation, and nothing beats a metal rooftop when it comes to efficiency.
  • Finishes, like soffits, may need to be replaced if they’re not sturdy enough to hold the weight of a solar panel, or they might need to be removed entirely.
  • Gutters will need to be inspected and possibly replaced, as if they’re not sturdy enough, they can compromise the integrity of the residential solar panel installation.

The Verdict

While a roof inspection is recommended to determine whether your rooftop is suitable for solar panels or not, it boils down to three things:

Its age, its shape, and how willing you are to change the way it looks.

  • A damaged rooftop will never be suitable for solar panels and will need to be replaced before doing anything else.
  • The size and shape of your rooftop will determine just how cost-effective solar energy will be for your house.
  • To put it bluntly, solar panels change the way a house looks, and while they’re capable of raising a house’s resale value in the San Diego market, some people care more about a house’s sentimental value, and appearances matter a lot when it comes to that.

If you’re still unsure if your rooftop is suitable for solar panels, just give EZ Solar & Electric a call.

We’ll answer your questions and take the time to explain how the installation process usually works, giving you the tools you need to make an informed decision!

Get Your Free Roof Inspection